🎉 OneTrust 6.26 Released!

We are excited to announce the following enhancements in the OneTrust Developer Portal as part of OneTrust 6.26.


For more information about the release and our product updates in the OneTrust application, refer to the OneTrust Release Notes page. Learn more about environment maintenance on the Current and Historic Maintenance page, and subscribe to proactive environment notifications on our System Status and Scheduled Maintenance page.

API Updates

Privacy Rights (DSAR)

Universal Consent & Preference Management

  • Custom Preference Languages and Options Fields: Updated API documentation to include information that the Languages and Options fields for a given custom preference are available by providing the custompreferenceId path.
  • Consents for Retired Notices: Updated the API to include the option to submit consents for retired notices. This gives users the ability to import backdated consents where data subjects may have interacted with an older version of a notice.