🎉 OneTrust 6.24 Released!

We are excited to announce the following enhancements in the OneTrust Developer Portal as part of OneTrust 6.24.


For more information about the release and our product updates in the OneTrust application, refer to the OneTrust 6.24 Release Notes page. Learn more about environment maintenance on the Current and Historic Maintenance page, and subscribe to proactive environment notifications on our System Status and Scheduled Maintenance page.

API Updates

Privacy Rights (DSAR)

  • Include Redacted Attachments: Updated the TDD - Post Results to Request API with the ability to mark attachments for auto-redaction. This allows you to control whether or not attachments posted to a Results Summary should undergo redaction.

Universal Consent & Preference Management

  • Additional Data Subject API Request Parameter: Updated the Data Subjects endpoint to include a DataSubjectGuid request parameter. This allows responses to be filtered by the Data Subject GUID provided.
  • Retain Transactions when Deleting Purposes from Data Subjects: Updated the Data Subject API with the retainTransactions parameter. This allows you to retain transactions after deleting Purposes from Data Subjects when using an API call to maintain an audit trail.