🎉 OneTrust 202407.2.0 Released!

We are excited to announce the following enhancements in the OneTrust Developer Portal as part of OneTrust 202407.2.0.


For more information about the release and our product updates in the OneTrust application, refer to the OneTrust Release Notes page. Learn more about environment maintenance on the Current and Historic Maintenance page, and subscribe to proactive environment notifications on our System Status and Scheduled Maintenance page.

Cookie Consent

Existing Public Preview Features

Mobile App Consent


  • Resolved an issue that caused intermittent errors on the sample app when testing Consent Management Platform APIs.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented users from logging consent with the Log Consent API when a consent object was not included for ALLOW_ALL or REJECT_ALL interaction types.

New Public Preview Features

  • Enhanced Support for Unified Profile: Updated the Log Consent API to include the new OT-Identifier-Type parameter, which allows users to configure the identifier type associated with the data subject's unique identifier. This enhancement provides improved support for Unified Profiles.

Existing Public Preview Features

  • Consent Management Platform APIs: The following APIs are now available for use with retrieving interface attributes needed to display the Banner and Preference Center, retrieving a list of active IAB and Google Vendors to display on the Preference Center, and logging consent when an end user interacts with a Banner or Preference Center. These APIs enable you to easily access data for Banner and Preference Center implementations, disclose vendor information to end users, and capture end user consent.

Universal Consent & Preference Management

New Public Preview Features

Existing Public Preview Features

Things to Know