Get List of Receipts

Use this API to retrieve a list of all receipts. Depending on the query or header parameter values passed in the request, the response will return specific details about receipts, including relevant information about Collection Point interactions, Purposes, and the associated Purpose Preferences and attributes.


Things to Know

  • The timespan for the fromDate and toDate values must be 24 hours or less.
  • The includeArchived parameter must be included to retrieve receipts created within the last 90 days. For receipts created more than 90 days ago, use either includeArchived and identifier or includeArchived and receiptId.
  • If the includeArchived parameter is set to true and the number of records is greater than a page, nextMarker must be included in the next request body to paginate.
  • The requestContinuation parameter is returned if more than one page of records is returned in the response. requestContinuation must be included in the next request body to paginate.
  • This API returns Purpose descriptions inside <p> and </p> HTML tags. These can be sanitized depending on your formatting needs.