Bulk Domain Management

1. What is Bulk Domain Management?

Bulk Domain Management allows you to deploy a single script across several domains by
creating a domain group. A domain group is a collection of domains to which the main domain
script applies. The main script functions and writes consent to the domains contained in the
domain group. Consent is written individually per domain.

Refer to Bulk Domain Management FAQ in myOT for key points to consider prior to
implementing Bulk Domain Management and to help decide whether this solution is suitable for
your use case.

2. How to setup Bulk Domain Management?

  1. Configure your parent domain so you have a script associated within this domain. This
    includes scanning the parent domain, configuring templates and geolocation rule group,
    and finally assigning the parent domain to the geolocation rule group. You do not need to
    scan all the other domains that will be added to the domain group.
  2. Create a domain group leveraging the Create or Update Domain Group API.
  3. Publish the production script for your parent domain.


After creating the domain group, you should make sure to publish the production script of the parent domain for the domain group to work successfully.

  1. Leverage this GET API call to check that the domain group was successfully created.
locationcdn locationcdn.cookielaw.org, qa, etc.
domainIdpublished domain IdAdd the domain ID here
urldomain url to be checkedAdd the domain name here


isValid: boolean

  "is valid": true

Response code and description:

404Not Found
  1. To check all domains have been successfully added to the domain group, check the
    domain-list.json file.
  2. Implement the script that is associated with the parent domain on all the domains that are now part of the domain group that you have created.

3. How to verify Bulk Domain Management is working on your website?

  1. Check that OptanonConsent is correctly written to the domain you have landed on. Once
    the user gives consent, consent should be stored against that specific domain.
  2. If you navigate between different websites within the same domain group (with the same
    script), the banner should re-surface because consent should be written to each specific