Modify User

Leverage the Modify User SCIM API to modify a specific user details.

OneTrust supports provisioning and management of users from your Identity Provider using the system for Cross-Domain Identity Management (SCIM) standard. Ensure your Identity Provider supports SCIM standards. For more information, please refer to SCIM User & Group Provisioning.


Additional Information

  • This API can be used to activate or deactivate a user. Activation and deactivation is controlled by the active boolean flag.
  • This API can be used to modify basic user attributes such as givenName, familyName, externalId, emails and userType.
  • This API can be used to modify additional user attributes such as division, employeeNumber, department, manager, and title.
  • To update a user's manager, either the manager's email or the manager's userId can be used.


Using the Path parameter

The path parameter is optional and should only be used when updating a single user's attribute. For example, if you only wanted to update the externalId, then your path would be externalId and your value would be a string.
If no path is provided then you must build out a JSON body for updating the user's attributes.

Examples using Path

    "Operations": [
            "op": "replace",
            "path": "active",
            "value": true
    "Operations": [
            "op": "replace",
            "path": "emails",
            "value": "[email protected]"
    "Operations": [
            "op": "replace",
            "path": "name.familyName",
            "value": "Burdell"
    "Operations": [
            "op": "add",
            "path": "title",
            "value": "Product Manager"

Example Request

PATCH https://{hostname}/api/scim/v3/Users/{id}

