Update Priority Scores for Purpose Statuses

Use this API to update the current Priority Score values for the Purpose Statuses. Priority Scores across the entire Consent Group hierarchy are used to calculate the Effective Status of a Purpose.


Things to Know

  • All Purpose Statuses are given a Priority Score. A Purpose Status with a lower Priority Score will be given precedence over a Purpose Status with a higher Priority Score. Any new Purpose Statuses will automatically be given a higher priority score by default.
  • When calculating the Effective Status of any Purpose in a Consent Group:
    • If there is no Parent Consent Group, the Effective Status becomes the same as the Enforced Status.
    • If there is a Parent Consent Group, the Effective Status would be calculated by comparing the Priority Score of the Enforced Status of the Purpose at that hierarchy level with the Priority Score of the Effective Status of the Purpose in the Parent level and applying the status associated with the lower Priority Score.


For more information, see Using Consent Groups to Alter a Data Subject's Consent Status.
