CNIL Continue Without Accepting

Display Continue Without Accepting as Button

With OneTrust 6.22.0, mobile app customers can now customize the CNIL option as a button to promote a consistent experience when presented with a close option. For more information on the app-side configuration of mobile templates to display as text or link, please CNIL Mobile App Requirements on myOneTrust.

UIConfigurator - Return True

  1. Open the AppDelegate.swift file.
  2. Locate the shouldUseCustomUIConfig() -> Bool function.
  3. Update the value as return true. It will be set to return false by default.
extension AppDelegate: UIConfigurator {

    func shouldUseCustomUIConfig() -> Bool {
        return true

Customize closeButton

  1. Open the OTSDK-UIConfig-iOS.plist file.
  2. Locate Root > bannerTheme > buttons > closeButton.
  3. The parameters for closeButton will be blank by default. Provide your customizations for the Continue Without Accepting button.
Key NameType

Validating the Build

  1. Once you've set the method as true and provided customizations for the closeButton, run the sample app build.
  2. The Continue Without Accepting option should appear as a button with your customizations.