This Flutter Plugin is available on Pub.Dev.
The SDK version used must match the version of the JSON published from your OneTrust instance. For example, if you’ve published version 6.10.0 of the JSON in your OneTrust environment, you must use the Flutter plugin version 6.10.0 as well. It is recommended to specify a version to avoid automatic updates, as a OneTrust publish is required when you update your SDK version.
To install the OneTrust plugin, run flutter pub add onetrust_publishers_native_cmp
Specify a version in your pubspec.yaml
file, for example:
onetrust_publishers_native_cmp: '6.10.0'
After adding the plugin to your Flutter project, build the project to check for any immediate errors.
This plugin pulls the OneTrust SDK from mavenCentral and Cocoapods.
OTPublishersNativeSDK supports a minimum iOS version of 11.0. You may have to specify a platform target in your podfile
platform :ios, '11.0'
In Android, the underlying Native SDK requires a FragmentActivity
in order to render a UI. In your Android MainActivity.java
file, ensure that the MainActivity
class is extending FlutterFragmentActivity
Additionally, Android must use targetSdkVersion 31
and compileSDKVersion 31
or higher.
import io.flutter.embedding.android.FlutterFragmentActivity
public class MainActivity extends FlutterFragmentActivity {
import io.flutter.embedding.android.FlutterFragmentActivity
class MainActivity: FlutterFragmentActivity() {
Initialize OneTrust to fetch the data configured in your OneTrust tenant. This will make one or two network calls (depending on the type of template) and deliver a JSON object that contains all of the information required to render a banner and preference center.
The init call is an async function that returns a boolean status value; true
if the initialization and download of data was successful, false
if not.
Future<void> initOneTrust() async{
bool status;
Map<String, String> params = { //Params are not required
status = await OTPublishersNativeSDK.startSDK("cdn.cookielaw.org","dec6b152-4ad9-487b-8e5a-24a06298417f","en", params);
} on PlatformException{
print("Error communicating with platform-side code");
if (!mounted) return;
setState(() {
_cmpDownloadStatus = status ? 'Success!':'Error';
Name | Type | Description |
storageLocation | String | [Required] The CDN location for the JSON that the SDK fetches. (Usually, but not always, cdn.cookielaw.org .) |
domainIdentifier | String | [Required] The Application guid (retrieved from OneTrust Admin console) |
languageCode | String | [Required] 2-digit ISO language code used to return content in a specific langauge. Note: Any language code format which is not listed in OneTrust environment will be considered as invalid input. Note: If the languageCode passed by your application is valid, but does not match with a language configuration for your template, then the SDK will return content in the default language configured in OneTrust environment (usually, but not always, English). |
params | Map<String, String> | Parameter map (see below for accepted values) |
Initialization Parameters
All initialization parameters are expected to be of type String
, and all are optional.
Name | Type | Description |
countryCode | String | 2-digit ISO country code that will override OneTrust's geolocation service for locating the user. Typically used for QA to test other regions, or if your application knows the user's location applicable for consent purposes. |
regionCode | String | 2-digit ISO region code that will overide OneTrust's geolocation service. |
androidUXParams | String | A stringified representation of the OTUXParams JSON object to override styling in-app. See "Android - Custom Styling with UXParams JSON" below. |
Show an Interface
The plugin can load a Banner or a Preference center using the methods below:
OTPublishersNativeSDK.showBannerUI(); //load Banner
OTPublishersNativeSDK.showPreferenceCenterUI(); //load Preference Center
To determine if a banner should be shown (based on the template rendered and the status of the user's current consent,) use the shouldShowBanner()
method. This returns a bool
indicating whether or not a banner should be shown.
bool _shouldShowBanner;
_shouldShowBanner = await OTPublishersNativeSDK.shouldShowBanner();
} on PlatformException{
print("Error communicating with platform-side code");
App Tracking Transparency
A pre-permission prompt can be displayed before the App Tracking Transparency prompt is surfaced on iOS 14+.
OTATTrackingAuthorizationStatus authStatus = await OTPublishersNativeSDK.showConsentUI(OTDevicePermission.idfa);
This method will not resolve until the user has made a selection within the native iOS App Tracking Transparency prompt.
This method takes an argument of type OTDevicePermission
, which is provided as an enum
for ease of use. It returns an OTATTrackingAuthorizationStatus
The current status of App Tracking Transparency can be obtained by calling
OTATTrackingAuthorizationStatus authStatus = await OTPublishersNativeSDK.getATTrackingAuthorizationStatus();
Both of the above methods return an OTATTTrackingAuthorizationStatus
which is namespaced as such to avoid issues with other ATT plugins being used. For unsupported OS versions (all Android versions and iOS versions < 14,) this function will immediately return platformNotSupported
. Possible values of the enum are
Android - Custom Styling with UXParams JSON
OneTrust allows you to add custom styling to your preference center by passing in style JSON in a certain format. Build out your JSON by following the guide in the OneTrust Developer Portal.
Pass the JSON as a string into the startSDK
function's params
String AndroidUXParams = await DefaultAssetBundle.of(context)
Map<String, String> params = {
"androidUXParams": AndroidUXParams
try {
status = await OTPublishersNativeSDK.startSDK(
"cdn.cookielaw.org", appId, "en", params);
} on PlatformException {
print("Error communicating with platform code");
iOS - Custom Styling with UXParams Plist
Custom styling can be added to your iOS Flutter application by using a .plist file in the iOS platform code. In addition to adding the .plist file (which can be obtained from the OneTrust Demo Application) to your bundle, there are a few changes that need to be made in the platform code, outlined below. Review the guide in the OneTrust Developer Portal.
In AppDelegate.swift
, import OTPublishersHeadlessSDK. Add an extension below the class to handle the protocol methods:
import OTPublishersHeadlessSDK
extension AppDelegate: UIConfigurator{
func shouldUseCustomUIConfig() -> Bool {
return true
func customUIConfigFilePath() -> String? {
return Bundle.main.path(forResource: "OTSDK-UIConfig-iOS", ofType: "plist")
In the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions
protocol method, assign the AppDelegate as the UIConfigurator:
@objc class AppDelegate: FlutterAppDelegate {
override func application(
_ application: UIApplication,
didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?
) -> Bool {
OTPublishersHeadlessSDK.shared.uiConfigurator = self //add this line only
GeneratedPluginRegistrant.register(with: self)
return super.application(application, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: launchOptions)
Listening for UI Changes
The plugin implements an EventChannel
that opens a BroadcastStream
with the platform-side code. To listen for changes in the ui.
Note that:
- The
will stay open until it is closed by calling.cancel()
on it - Only one
can be open at a single time. Therefore, you must call.cancel()
on this stream before calling.listenForUIInteractions().listen
var interactionListener = OTPublishersNativeSDK.listenForUIInteractions().listen((event) {
Expected return:
UI Events
Event Name | Description | Payload |
onShowBanner | Triggered when banner is shown | null |
onHideBanner | Triggered when banner is closed | null |
onBannerClickedAcceptAll | Triggered when user allows all consent from banner | null |
onBannerClickedRejectAll | Triggered when user rejects all consent from banner | null |
onShowPreferenceCenter | Triggered when Preference Center is displayed | null |
onHidePreferenceCenter | Triggered when Preference Center is closed | null |
onPreferenceCenterAcceptAll | Triggered when user allows all consent from Preference Center | null |
onPreferenceCenterRejectAll | Triggered when user rejects all consent from Preference Center | null |
onPreferenceCenterConfirmChoices | Triggered when user clicked on save choices after updating consent values from Preference Center | null |
onShowVendorList | Triggered when vendor list UI is displayed from an IAB banner/ IAB Preference center | null |
onHideVendorList | Triggered when vendor list UI is closed or when back button is clicked | null |
onVendorConfirmChoices | Triggered when user updates vendor consent / legitimate interests purpose values and save the choices from vendor list | null |
onVendorListVendorConsentChanged | Triggered when user updates consent values for a particular vendor id on vendor list UI | {vendorId:String, consentStatus:Int} |
onVendorListVendorLegitimateInterestChanged | Triggered when user updates Legitimate interests values for a particular vendor id on vendor list UI | {vendorId:String, legitInterest:Int} |
onPreferenceCenterPurposeConsentChanged | Triggered when user updates consent values for a particular category on Preference Center UI | {purposeId:String, consentStatus:Int} |
onPreferenceCenterPurposeLegitimateInterestChanged | Triggered when user updates Legitimate interest values for a particular category on Preference Center UI | {purposeId:String, legitInterest:Int} |
allSDKViewsDismissed | Triggered when all the OT SDK Views are dismissed from the view hierarchy. | {interactionType:String} |
When Consent Changes
The consent status is returned as an integer value:
|1|Consent given|
|0|Consent not given|
|-1|Consent not gathered or SDK not initialized|
Query for Consent
To get the present consent state for a category, you can query for consent:
Future<void> getConsentStatus() async{
int status;
status = await OTPublishersNativeSDK.getConsentStatusForCategory("C0002");
} on PlatformException{
print("Error communicating with platform-side code.");
print("Queried Status for C0002 is = "+status.toString());
Listen for Consent Changes
The plugin implements an EventChannel
that opens a BroadcastStream
with the platform-side code. To listen for changes to the consent state.
Note that:
- The
will stay open until it is closed by calling.cancel()
on it - Only one
can be open at a single time. Therefore, you must call.cancel()
on this stream before calling.listenForConsentChanges().listen
var consentListener = OTPublishersNativeSDK.listenForConsentChanges(["C0002","C0003"]).listen((event) {
setCategoryState(event['categoryId'], event['consentStatus']);
print("New status for "+event['categoryId']+" is "+event['consentStatus'].toString());
//consentListener.cancel() //cancel listener
This listener accepts an array of strings containing Category IDs to listen for. The listener returns an object:
Get OneTrust-set Data Subject Identifier
OneTrust sets a GUID to identify the user for audit purposes. The identifier can be used to look up the user's consent history in the OneTrust Consent module. To surface the identifier:
String id = await OTPublishersNativeSDK.getCachedIdentifier();
Inject Consent to WebView
If you use WebViews in your applications, you may encounter a situation where you render a webpage running OneTrust’s Cookie Consent module, and the cookie banner is displayed. OneTrust provides a native way to take the consent gathered from the Native SDK and pass it down to the WebView.
To do this, simply call the function below to request a JavaScript variable from the OneTrust SDK. Placing this on the OneTrust SDK before the Cookies SDK loads will suppress the banner and pass consent to the WebView.
String jsToPass = await OTPublishersNativeSDK.getOTConsentJSForWebview()
Updated 8 days ago