Tizen and WebOS SDK

Supported Platforms

The CTV SDK only supports Chromium devices on Tizen and LG platforms.

Samsung2022 - Tizen 6.5 - Chromium
2021 - Tizen 6.0 - Chromium
2020 -Tizen 5.5 - Chromium
2019 - Tizen 5.0 - Chromium
2018 - Tizen 4.0 - Chromium
LG2022 - webOS TV 22 - Chromium 87
2021 - webOS TV 6.0 - Chromium 79
2020 - webOS TV 5.0 - Chromium 68


  • Tizen Studio
  • WebOS TV CLI
  • WebOS TV Emulator
  • VirtualBox

Tech Stack Overview

Language VersionJavascript (ES5)
Desktop OSWindows, Mac
Build DependenciesN/A
Compression ToolsWebpack
External Dependencies, 3rd Party Frameworks, and SDK Libraries/ComponentsRedux, RxJS

SDK Size

FilesUncompressed File Size
OneTrust.js1.9 MB

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The following responses are supported solutions to frequently asked questions (FAQ) about the Tizen and WebOS SDK. The OneTrust team continuously monitors these inquiries and will make additional FAQ available as they are identified.

  1. Why is the build time taking two minutes in Tizen Studio?
    The SDK is written in TypeScript and requires extra time for webpack to compress the files containing the UI and business logic. The output is an ES5 compatible SDK which causes Tizen Studio to take longer to render the SDK. Generally, this only happens on the very first build and on builds that are being updated to a new version.
    Legacy Tizen SDK
    If your app has implemented the legacy Tizen SDK before migrating to the new CTV SDK, the banner may not appear as the CTV SDK will look for any cached consent data from the legacy SDK. To resolve this, please fully remove the legacy SDK and delete any cached data.