IAB TCF Developer Guide
As of September 2021, the global scope will no longer be supported per the recent TCF Policy and Technical Specifications. To view the formal notification, please refer to the IAB Europe PDF Notification and IAB Europe PDF Notification Update.
Required API Commands
All CMPs must support four required API commands:
The TCF API 2.0 function takes the general form:
__tcfapi(command, version, callback, parameter)
getTCData is deprecated in TCF v2.2. Instead add an 'addEventListener' and use its callback function to access the tcData object.
Argument Name | Type | Optional | Value |
command | string | No | getTCData |
verson | number | No | 2 |
callback | function | No | function(tcData: TCData, sucess: boolean) |
parameter | int array | Yes | vendorIDs |
__tcfapi('getTCData', 2, (tcData, success) => {
if(success) {
// do something with tcData
} else {
// do something else
}, [1,2,3]);
This will return TCData.
Argument Name | Type | Value |
command | string | ping |
version | number | 2 |
callback | function | function(PingReturn: object) |
__tcfapi('ping', 2, (pingReturn) => {
// do something with pingReturn
Argument Name | Type | Value |
command | string | addEventListener |
version | number | 2 |
callback | function | function(tcData: TCData, success: boolean) |
const callback = (tcData, success) => {
if(success && tcData.eventStatus === 'tcloaded') {
// do something with tcData.tcString
// remove the ourself to not get called more than once
__tcfapi('removeEventListener', 2, (success) => {
if(success) {
// oh good...
}, callback);
} else {
// do something else
__tcfapi('addEventListener', 2, callback);
eventStatus | Description |
tcloaded | The CMP is loaded and prepared to sent a TC string. |
cmpuishown | The TC string is available and has rendered 'Transparency'. The CMP will create TC string will contain the vendors' Legitimate Interest and the consent signals set to false. |
useractioncomplete | The user has confirmed or re-confirmed their consent choices and the CMP will respond with the corresponding TC string. |
Argument Name | Type | Value |
command | string | removeEventListener |
version | number | 2 |
callback | function | function(success: boolean) |
parameter | function | previously registered callback (addEventListener ) |
For example, see addEventListener
. The callback will be false
if the listener could not be removed. This may happen, for instance, if a listener corresponding to listenerId
is not found.
Optional API Commands
Argument Name | Type | Value |
command | string | getInAppTCData |
version | number | 2 |
callback | function | function(inAppTCData: InAppTCData, success: boolean) |
__tcfapi('getInAppTCData', 2, (inAppTCData, success) => {
if(success) {
// do something with inAppTCData
} else {
// do something else
Argument Name | Type | Optional | Value |
command | string | No | getVendorList |
version | number | No | 2 |
callback | function | No | function(gvl: GlovalVendorList, success: boolean) |
parameter | int or string | Yes | vendorListVersion |
__tcfapi('getVendorList', 2, (gvl, success) => {
if(success) {
// do something with gvl
} else {
// do something else
}, 'LATEST');
Returned Objects
TCData = {
tcString: 'base64url-encoded TC string with segments',
tcfPolicyVersion: 2,
cmpVersion: 1000,
gdprApplies: Boolean | undefined,
eventStatus: String,
cmpStatus: 'string',
listenerId: Number | undefined,
isServiceSpecific: Boolean,
useNonStandardStacks: Boolean,
publisherCC: 'Two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code',
purposeOneTreatment: Boolean,
outOfBand: {
allowedVendors: {
'[vendor id]': Boolean
discloseVendors: {
'[vendor id]': Boolean
purpose: {
consents: {
'[purpose id]': Boolean
legitimateInterests: {
'[purpose id]': Boolean
vendor: {
consents: {
'[vendor id]': Boolean
legitimateInterests: {
'[vendor id]': Boolean
specialFeatureOptins: {
'[special feature id]': Boolean
publisher: {
consents: {
'[purpose id]': Boolean
legitimateInterests: {
'[purpose id]': Boolean
customPurpose: {
consents: {
'[purpose id]': Boolean
legitimateInterests: {
'[purpose id]': Boolean
restrictions: {
'[purpose id]': {
'[vendor id]': 1
Value | Description |
gdprApplies | true - GDPR Applies false - GDPR Does not apply * undefined - unknown whether GDPR Applies |
eventStatus | See addEventListener command |
cmpStatus | See Ping Status Codes in following table. |
listenerId | If this TCData is sent to the callback of addEventListener: number, the unique ID assigned by the CMP to the listener function registered via addEventListener. Others: undefined |
isServiceSpecific | true - if using a service-specific or publisher-specific TC String false - if using a global TC String |
useNonStandardStacks | true - CMP is using publisher-customized stack descriptions false - CMP is NOT using publisher-customized stack descriptions |
publisherCC | Country code of the country that determines the policy. |
purposeOneTreatment | Only exists on service-specific TC. true - Purpose 1 not disclosed at all. CMPs use PublisherCC to indicate the publisher's country of establishment to help Vendors determine whether the vendor requires Purpose 1 consent. false - There is no special Purpose 1 treatment status. Purpose 1 was disclosed normally (consent) as expected by TCF Policy. |
outOfBand | Only exists on global-scope TC. |
allowedVendors | true - Vendor is allowed to use an Out-of-Band Legal Basis false - Vendor is NOT allowed to use an Out-of-Band Legal Basis |
discloseVendors | true - Vendor has been disclosed to the user false - Vendor has NOT been disclosed to the user |
purpose | consents true - Consent false - No Consent legitimateInterests true - Legitimate Interest Established false - No Legitimate Interest Established |
vendor | consents true - Consent false - No Consent legitimateInterests true - Legitimate Interest Established false - No Legitimate Interest Established |
specialFeatureOptins | true - Special Feature Opted Into false - Special Feature NOT Opted Into |
publisher | consents true - Consent false - No Consent legitimateInterests true - Legitimate Interest Established false - No Legitimate Interest Established customPurpose: consents true - Consent false - No Consent legitimateInterests true - Legitimate Interest Established false - No Legitimate Interest Established restrictions '[purposeId]' : 0 - Not Allowed 1 - Require Consent * 2 - Require Legitimate Interest '[vendor id]' : 1 |
InAppTCData = {
tcString: 'base64url-encoded TC string with segments',
tcfPolicyVersion: 2,
cmpVersion: 1000,
gdprApplies: 1,
eventStatus: 'string',
isServiceSpecific: 1,
useNonStandardStacks: 1,
publisherCC: 'Two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code',
purposeOneTreatment: 1,
purpose: {
consents: '01010 -- Purpose bitfield'
legitimateInterests: '01010 -- Purpose bitfield'
vendor: {
consents: '01010 -- Vendor bitfield',
legitimateInterests: '01010 -- Vendor bitfield'
specialFeatureOptins: '01010 -- Special Feature bitfield',
publisher: {
consents: '01010 -- Purpose bitfield',
legitimateInterests: '01010 -- Purpose bitfield',
customPurpose: {
consents: '01010 -- Purpose bitfield',
legitimateInterests: '01010 -- Purpose bitfield'
restrictions: {
'[purpose id]': '01201221'
Value | Description |
gdprApplies | 1 - GDPR Applies 0 - GDPR Does not apply * undefined - unknown whether GDPR applies |
eventStatus | See addEventListener |
isServiceSpecific | 1 - If using a service-specific or publisher-specific TC String. 0 - If using a global TC String. |
useNonStandardStacks | 1 - CMP is using publisher-customized stack descriptions. 0 - CMP is NOT using publisher-customized stack descriptions. |
publisherCC | Country code of the country that determines the policy. |
purposeOneTreatment | 1 - Purpose 1 not disclosed at all. CMPs use PublisherCC to indicate the publisher's country of establishment to help vVendors determine whether the vendor requires Purpose 1 consent. 0 - There is no special Purpose 1 treatment status. Purpose 1 was disclosed normally (consent) as expected by TCF Policy. |
purpose | consents true - Consent false - No Consent legitimateInterests true - Legitimate Interest Established false - No Legitimate Interest Established |
vendor | consents true - Consent false - No Consent legitimateInterests true - Legitimate Interest Established false - No Legitimate Interest Established |
specialFeatureOptins | true - Special Feature Opted Into false - Special Feature NOT Opted Into |
publisher | consents true - Consent false - No Consent legitimateInterests true - Legitimate Interest Established false - No Legitimate Interest Established customPurpose: consents true - Consent false - No Consent legitimateInterests true - Legitimate Interest Established false - No Legitimate Interest Established restrictions '[purposeId]' : 0 - Not Allowed 1 - Require Consent * 2 - Require Legitimate Interest |
PingReturn = {
gdprApplies: Boolean | undefined,
cmpLoaded: Boolean,
cmpStatus: String,
displayStatus: String,
apiVersion: String,
cmpVersion: Number | undefined,
cmpId: Number | undefined,
gvlVersion: Number | undefined,
tcfPolicyVersion: Number | undefined
Value | Description |
gdprApplies | true - GDPR Applies false - GDPR Does not apply undefined - unknown whether GDPR Applies see the section: "What does the gdprApplies value mean?" |
cmpLoaded | true - CMP main script is loaded false - still running stub |
cmpStatus | stub : CMP not yet loaded – stub still in place. loading : CMP is loading. loaded : CMP has loaded. error : CMP is in an error state. A CMP shall not respond to any other API requests if this cmpStatus is present. A CMP may set this status if, for any reason, it is unable to perform the operations in compliance with the TCF. |
displayStatus | visible : The user interface is displayed. hidden : The user interface is not being displayed. * disabled : The user interface will not be displayed. This will be returned when GDPR does not apply or the TC string does not need renewal. |
apiVersion | Version of the CMP API that is supported, e.g. "2.0". |
cmpVersion | CMPs own/internal version that is currently running. It is undefined if still the stub |
cmpId | IAB assigned CMP ID. It is undefined if the stub is still in place. |
gvlVersion | Version of the GVL currently loaded by the CMP. It is undefined if the stub is still in place. |
tcfPolicyVersion | Number of the supported TCF version. It is undefined if the stub is still in place. |
Updated 12 months ago