
The CMP API solution was designed to help support web-based CTV platforms currently not supported by the CTV SDK. As the name entails, CMP functions will be computed on the server and the response handed back to the client. This was done in an effort to improve performance for web-based CTV platforms as some of these lower end devices have limited storage and computing power. Today, this is a headless solution and you will be responsible for creating the User Interface (UI) for the banner and preference center.

The following technical documents outline the steps needed to implement this solution in your app:

  1. Persisting Consent
  2. Get Banner UI
  3. Get Preference Center UI
  4. Get Vendor List UI
  5. Save and Log Consent
  6. Implementation Guidance

UI Assist App

To help you understand how to build the UI of your CMP, we have created a UI Assist Application for developers that shows where each UI element is found in each API response.

This application is meant to help understand how the API responses relate to the UI. It is not designed to have the full functionality of a CTV or mobile application, thus it will not save consent or create consent strings.

How to use the application

macOS (Intel and Silicon)

  1. Download the application here.
  2. Run the application.


For macOS, you may need to run the following command to be able to launch the application: xattr -c <path/to/>

Example: xattr -c ~/Downloads/

Reference: "XYZ Is Damaged and Can’t Be Opened. You … - Apple Community

Windows OS

  1. Download the application here.
  2. Run the application.

Linux OS

  1. Download the application here.
  2. Run the application.

Configuring the application

You can load your configuration into the application to display the configured text and branding by leveraging the Settings icon at the top right and adding your Application ID into the header OT-App-Id.

To view location specific configurations, specify the country and/or region with OT-Country-Code and/or OT-Region-Code.

You can enable the UI Assist feature by turning on the UI Assist in the Settings. You also can change between a CTV or Mobile experience within the Settings section.

Currently, the only way to access the Preference Center UI is through the Banner UI. If your geolocation rule has Show Banner disabled, no UI will appear in the app at all. In this case, add OT-Force-Fetch: true into the Settings page to force the banner to appear. You can then access the Preference Center UI from here.